These are very simple instructions for mapping VLANs on the Dom0 through to the DomU NICs. Redhat/CentOS specific, and in this example the NICs were mapped through to a HVM Windoze box.
Other descriptions to help being picked up by search engines is: - VLAN trunk to virtual machine mapping - VLANs to DomU interfaces
Essentially: a. Create a bridge group for each .1q interface you want, and add the interfaces to the bridge. b. Map each virtual NIC to the bridge group. c. Don't forget to set the MTU in Windoze
1. Configure the bond interface, and create VLAN interfaces on the bond interface. Create a bridge and map each vlan interface into the bridge. All the files for this are at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. (This examples creates VLAN 900-903.) You will need to change the HWADDR to match you NIC cards.
Here the bond0 interface, in Dom0, is actually getting a IP via dhcp. You may want to set BOOTPROTO=none if you don't want this. The 'virtual mac' address is set here. Make sure this is unique.
4. Don't forget to set the MTU to 1494 using the 'regedit' if you are using windoze.
If you are using Centos/Redhat you can also use 'virsh' which has a XML virtual machine definition. 'virsh' seems to be strongly supported by Redhat, and XML is fairly clean, so instead of just using the 'xm' style files do this: