I recently had to ftp some files to my webhost, using binary mode. I use either Dreamweaver or FileZilla for all my FTP needs. For my recent uploading, I chose FileZilla, but didn’t know at first how to upload in “binary” format.
Since then, I have leaned how this is done, and thought it may be prudent to share what I have learned. First, open Filezilla and connect to your server. You will have to enter the name of your ftp server, from your webhost. It will look something like “yourname@ftp.yourdomain.com” where “yourname” is whatever you use to sign in to CPanel. If you are trying to upload in binary format, you probably already know how to upload in the default ASCII, but thought it might be helpful if you are used to another FTP program and just beginning to learn how to use FileZilla.
After entering your FTP server name, enter the username and password you use for your webhost. Once you have logged in, use your mouse to direct your pointer to “transfer” in the top toolbar. Under “transfer,” you will see a few different options. Choose “transfer type” and then select “Binary.”
Highlight all the files and folders you want from your hard drive (local site), and drag them into the field containing the directories on your web host (remote site). Use the “Shift” button on your keyboard to choose many files/folders in a row, or use the “Ctrl” button (Cmd on a MAC) to selectively choose folders while skipping over others.
Since I have been spending more time blogging than creating templates, I haven’t been opening Dreamweaver often. If I ever learn how to use Dreamweaver to upload in “binary” format, I will post another blog. In the meantime, I hope this article will be helpful to somebody.