Howto Create Dynamic Creation of Virtual Machines on VMware ESX 3.5

This illustrates how to create dynamic VM images:

Now that we have looked at what makes up the vmx file, let’s generate some
scripts to dynamically create virtual machines. First, we’ll take a script and
modify it so we can create a virtual machine that will use a golden image as
its base.We’ll then make a couple of changes so we can take advantage of
Altiris in the VM creation.We will then modify the script so that a virtual
machine will be created and then start the VM with the installation CD
mounted to begin the installation.
Code Listing 5.9 shows script that uses a golden image disk file. A golden
image disk file is a fully loaded and patched virtual machine vmx file that has
had sysprep run on it so it can be cloned.

Please make sure you look through these scripts and make any changes
needed to match your environment. Pay attention to the vmhba path
and double-check these values with the values in your own environment.
Code Listing 5.9 Using a Golden Image Disk File to Dynamically Create a
Virtual Machine

#Scripting VMware Power Tools: Automating Virtual Infrastructure
#Dynamic Creation of a new Virtual Machine using a Golden Image
#Stephen Beaver
#####USER MODIFICATION################
#VMNAME is the name of the new virtual machine
#VMOS specifies which Operating System the virtual machine will have
#GLDIMAGE is the path to the "Golden Image" VMDK file
#DESTVMFS is the path to VMFS partition that the VMDK file
echo "Start of Logging" > $LOG
echo "Importing Golden Image Disk File VMDK" >> $LOG
vmkfstools -i $GLDIMAGE $DESTVMFS:$1.vmdk
echo "Creating VMX Configuration File" >> $LOG
mkdir /home/vmware/$1
exec 6>&1
exec 1>/home/vmware/$1/$1.vmx
# write the configuration file
214 Chapter 5 • Modifying VMs
echo #!/usr/bin/vmware
echo config.version = '"'6'"'
echo virtualHW.version = '"'3'"'
echo memsize = '"'$VMMEMSIZE'"'
echo floppy0.present = '"'TRUE'"'
echo usb.present = '"'FALSE'"'
echo displayName = '"'$1'"'
echo guestOS = '"'$VMOS'"'
echo suspend.Directory = '"'/vmfs/vmhba0:0:0:10/'"'
echo checkpoint.cptConfigName = '"'$1'"'
echo priority.grabbed = '"'normal'"'
echo priority.ungrabbed = '"'normal'"'
echo ide1:0.present = '"'TRUE'"'
echo ide1:0.fileName = '"'auto detect'"'
echo ide1:0.deviceType = '"'cdrom-raw'"'
echo ide1:0.startConnected = '"'FALSE'"'
echo floppy0.startConnected = '"'FALSE'"'
echo floppy0.fileName = '"'/dev/fd0'"'
echo Ethernet0.present = '"'TRUE'"'
echo Ethernet0.connectionType = '"'monitor_dev'"'
echo Ethernet0.networkName = '"'Network0'"'
echo draw = '"'gdi'"'
echo scsi0.present = '"'TRUE'"'
echo scsi0:1.present = '"'TRUE'"'
echo = '"'$DESTVMFS:$1.vmdk'"'
echo scsi0:1.writeThrough = '"'TRUE'"'
echo scsi0.virtualDev = '"'vmxlsilogic'"'
# close file
exec 1>&-
# make stdout a copy of FD 6 (reset stdout), and close FD6
exec 1>&6
exec 6>&-
Modifying VMs • Chapter 5 215
echo "VMX Configuration File Created Successfully" >> $LOG
#Change the file permissions
chmod 755 /home/vmware/$1/$1.vmx
#Register the new VM
echo "Registering .vmx Configuration" >> $LOG
vmware-cmd -s register /home/vmware/$1/$1.vmx
echo "VMX Initialization Completed Successfully" >> $LOG

Notice that the preceding script uses a golden image file that is local to
that machine. If your golden image is located on a network share, you
can easily mount that share and import the file from there. To mount a
network share you can use the following command:
mount -t smbfs //server/share /mnt/smb -o