How to remove unwanted hidden devices from devices manager
Hidden devices may slow down your system by loading unwanted drivers in your system and some time it may cause problem in clonning or migration Server
Here is the 2 ways of finding hidden devices under Device Manager and removing them
Option 1:
* Start --> Run --> Cmd and press Enter
* Type command under command line with out quote "set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1" and press Enter
* Type command under command line with out quote "devmgmt.msc", which should open Device Manager, click on view and navigate show hidden devices
* Expand all devices listed and remove grayed out devices.
Option 2:
* Right Click "My Computer" from Desktop and Click Properties, under Advanced tab you should see a button as "Environment variables" click on that.
* Click button "New" under Environment Variables and Enter "devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices" at "Variables name" and enter "1" under "Variable value" click on and close application.
* open Device manager and click "View" tab and navigate to show hidden devices, which will list all hidden devices
* Expand all devices listed and removed grayed out devices.