Excessive logging for SNMP in the ESX host messages log

Excessive logging for SNMP in the ESX host messages log


  • /var/log/messages contains excessive messages similar to:


This is expected behavior and is normal for a default installation of RedHat net-snmp that is installed on ESX hosts. The agent is configured for this level of logging as a security measure.
Although VMware does not recommend changing the default logging level, you can avoid this excessive logging.
To avoid excessive logging:
  1. Log in to the ESX Server service console as the root user.
  2. Edit the /etc/init.d/snmpd file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the OPTIONS line in the file from:

    OPTIONS="-s -l /dev/null -P /var/run/snmpd -a"


    OPTIONS="-s -l /dev/null -P /var/run/snmpd"

  4. Restart the snmpd service by running:

    service snmpd restart.