Installing SSL Certificate - Apache 2.x

Once your SSL certificate has been signed and issued,Go Daddy® will send you an e-mail message that allows you to download the signed certificate and our intermediate certificate bundle, both of which must be installed on your Web site.

Note: You must use the provided certificate-download link within three days of receiving the certificateissuance e-mail message. If the download link is allowed to expire, you must request a certificate re-key in order to retrieve your signed SSL certificate.

Follow the instructions below to download and install an SSL certificate on your Web server.

Note: Before you install your issued SSL certificate you must install our intermediate certificate bundle (null) on your Web server. You may also download the intermediate certificate bundle from the repository.

Installing SSL Certificate and the Intermediate Certificate
i. Copy your issued certificate, intermediate certificate and key file (generated when you created the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)) into the directory that you will be using to hold your certificates.

ii. Open the Apache ssl.conf file and add the following directives:
* SSLCertificateFile /path to certificate file/your issued certificate
* SSLCertificateKeyFile /path to key file/your key file
* SSLCertificateChainFile /path to intermediate certificate/null

iii. Save your ssl.conf file and restart Apache.